Friday, September 12, 2014

Harrison Matthias Fischer


almost 3 years old

I hate that this little guy is growing up. I just want him to be a baby forever. It makes total sense to me now why parents baby their baby to death. They just don't want it to end. Harrison has been such a joy in our family. We needed him and love him to death.

It has been so fun over the past few months listening to him. He is talking up a storm and says the funniest things. His language exploded. His big thing right now is "big boy" he wants to do everything that his big brother and sister do. I can get him to do almost anything if I tell him he is a big boy. Another trick is to tell him he is a robot. He loves to talk in his robot voice and do his robot dance. It has been so much fun having the whole day with him since Brad and Claire are in school all day. He is my little shadow. H has the quirkiest personality. He likes things organized and neat. He hates to be dirty or have things out of order. He is so much like his dad. He loves to play with his best friends...every morning he begs to play with Reagan, Carter and Wyatt. He is still an extremely picky eater. He eats like a bird and really struggles to try new things. When we finally convince him to try something new he genuinely gags and about looses it. He has a huge texture aversion. I hope he grows out of it. We are such a food loving family. He loves to sing songs. His most requested songs right now are I am a Child of God, Popcorn, and Wise Man Foolish Man. He loves dinosaurs and of course cars and trucks. His favorite show is still Curious George. He has the entire movie Frozen memorized.

We love you H man. You bring such a happy vibe to our family. We ALL adore you. You are so loving and cuddly. You give the best snuggles and kisses. You are so easy to love.

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