Thursday, September 11, 2014

Bradley Blake Fischer

5th Grade

I can't believe how much Brad has changed over the last year. 

10 1/2 years old

Brad has Ms. Clark this year. She is the perfect fit. She loves sports and is competitive by nature. Brad has really responded well to her teaching style. He has matured so much this year. He loves being at the top of the food chain at school. He came home one day and said his favorite part of 5th grade was getting to eat the seconds at lunch since they were the last ones to eat. I am in trouble when this kid is a teenager. He is also interested in his looks this year. It is funny to see him so interested. He carefully picks out his outfit everyday and wants to do his own hair. He even asked me to get him a blow-dryer of his own so he could "spike" his hair. He sets his alarm and gets up all on his own. I no longer have to walk him through morning and night routines. He is growing up way too fast. It is scary. 

Last year we found out that Brad's bilateral hearing loss from birth was affecting his ability to thrive in school. He was really struggling. We also found out that there is new technology for a hearing aid that would benefit him. (this had never been an option in the past because of his type of  hearing loss) After a ton of doctor appointments and meetings with teachers we decided to trial hearing aids. We trialed a bunch at the end of the school year and practiced wearing them. Mid summer we decided to make it permanent and bought him his own (very expensive) pair. He says it helps a ton. The teacher also wears a microphone to help amplify her voice which also helps a lot. We are so proud of how responsible and confident Brad has been. As parents we really stressed and worried about the social and emotional repercussions that can come from being different or having a disability. He has handled it so awesome!!! He amazes me. 

This year Brad still loves to ride his motorcycle. He is getting pretty darn good. We got to take it camping a few times this year. A lot of the neighborhood kids have motorcycles and they get to ride in the field next door which makes riding even more fun. His favorite sport is still basketball. He got to play on a competitive team last winter. He enjoys cooking and loves to hang around the kitchen and help me. He is keeping track and can out-cook his dad. I guess if something bad ever happened to me Brad could keep the family alive. He still likes to read. He is in book 4 of Adventurers Wanted series, but his favorite genre is thrillers and ghost/monster stories. He has started babysitting for us in small amounts. He does a good job of taking care of H. He can bathe him and get him ready for bed. 

Brad is such a gem. He would do anything for anyone. He is so good with his little brother and all his adopted brothers too.  He has a heart of gold. I am so proud of  all he has overcome this last year. He has worked so hard and has grown up so much physically and emotionally. We love you Bradley Blake!!!

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