Saturday, February 28, 2015

February in a nutshell

We had the missionaries over for dinner the other night. They were so fun and cute with the kids. 

I went to lunch with Kamie, Jenni and Melissa. We went to the mall and ate at Paradise Cafe. Lunch was very entertaining to say the least. After lunch we went with Kamie to get Blakelee's ears pierced. She is a cutie!

Randy and I went on a double date with the Austins. A date night wouldn't be complete without frozen yogurt at the end. 

Brad's basketball season ended. Brad gets better and better with every season. He is learning the game and is so fun to watch. He is not only tall but has my ridiculously long arms. He plays hard and aggressive. I was actually sad to see the season end. 

Raymond Smith and Aaron Taylor were his coaches this year. 

Claire started her first season of basketball this year. She has been watching Brad's games for so long she caught on very quickly. She was the tallest of most of the teams. Her coach had her guard some pretty tough players. She did great. 

Randy gave her a dollar for every basket she made this season. She wanted the ball so bad. This age group is so frustrating because it is just jungle ball and no one can look up to pass the ball. Claire would work so hard to get open then stand there in vain. She is going to love it once she gets to the older group. 

We are so proud of you Claire. 

I was in a springy mood so I decided to make this awesome carrot cake. 

Yup...not so pretty. The cake was too soft to stack and it collapsed when I started to frost the sides. It was an epic fail. It was ugly but it still tasted really good. 

Randy hired an arborist to prune our trees. H jumped up on the couch very concerned that someone was outside killing our trees. 

I got to take H and Carter to Sam's Club with me. These two crack me up. I am pretty sure half of that ice-cream dripped on the floor. We got lots of stares with them in their dinosaur hats. 

I have been missing my Grandma Reimann really bad. Simple things remind me of her. I made some strawberry scones and drank some tea just so I could feel close to her again. She would have loved it. I have so many warm and magical memories of her so it felt good to remember her and eat some comfort food too. 

I was getting ready for Brad's birthday party and H was right along side helping me make the cake. I am gong to miss my kids licking the batter blades when they grow out of it. I offered one to Brad and he passed it up. I was kinda sad about it. He is getting too old too fast. 

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