Sunday, November 24, 2013

New Toy...

Randy and I have been looking into buying a side by side ATV for years. We go camping often enough that we feel like it would create awesome memories for our family. 

After being really patient we found one. Randy bought us a Kan Am Maverick. I can't ever remember what it is called so I call it "the buggy". Randy took his brothers out for a spin when we first got it. They found the only mud puddle in Richmond. They were covered from head to toe in mud. Even their teeth were caked in mud from their silly grins while riding. 

We took it with us on Friday to Cub River, Idaho to search for a Christmas tree. 
We met up with Tim and Kamie. 

They babies were so excited to see each other and ride next to each other. 

The roads were completely snow packed. We drove as far as we could in the trucks then pulled out the buggy. 

We picked THE coldest day to go. It was freezing!!! We had to completely bundle up. 

While Tim, Randy and the kids searched for a tree, Kamie and I sat in the truck with the babies and enjoyed hot chocolate and donuts. 

It didn't take them very long to find the perfect tree. 

Randy and the kids did a perfect job finding my perfect tree. 

I LOVE Charlie Brown trees. Skinny and sparse. (Matt always makes fun of me...but I don't care)

The only way to stay warm was to hang out in the trucks. Did I mention it was FREEZING???

Kamie invited us over for her famous white chicken chilli. It tasted so good. It was the perfect remedy to being frozen. 

After dinner the boys took the buggy out for another ride up the canyon behind Tim and Kamie's house. The girls and the babies sat by the cozy fire and watched the Grinch. 

I sat on the couch and bundled up in a warm blanket. AHHHH it feels like the holidays. I was almost in tears. I was overwhelmed with gratitude for my wonderful family and our many many blessings. 

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