Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Trying to get back to normal

Getting back into the swing of things got a bit tricky. We had been on vacation for so long it was hard to get back into a schedule. We were so happy to be home with the kids. We missed them like crazy.

Randy took Claire to an Aggie basketball game. She has been so good in school and is always so well behaved. We don't reward her enough. She had such a good time on her daddy date. 

H snuggled and mugged Randy and I for a good solid week. He must have thought we were going to leave again. I couldn't get enough of it. 

We brought the kids home shells and coral. I am finding random shells all over the house. 

I pulled out some tubs of Brad's old clothes. As I went through them H got so excited. He said "Oh this is handsome for me" It was so cute. He was in hand me down heaven. I love putting H in Brad's old clothes it brings back such fond memories of Brad being so little. 

Randy and I are loving our callings. We love working with the youth in the ward. We are shopping for CETC Christmas gifts at Walmart. After we were done shopping we played sardines. The kids had a riot. 

I had a mandatory training at work to practice Ebola suiting. I didn't have a sitter for Claire so she had to go with me. I didn't know it but she got my phone out and started snapping pictures because she thought I looked so funny. When we got in the car she said. "Mom, I thought you were a nurse, not an astronaut!". 

We went to Claire's tumbling showcase. Claire loves her coach. She did such a great job. He coach said she was especially good at handstands. 

I was in a huge hurry one morning so I threw together smoothies and served them in plastic cups so I wouldn't have any dishes. H managed to spill his. It got all over the floor, the chairs, the curtains, and even on the ceiling. I didn't save any time that morning. 

Randy put up my Christmas lights before Thanksgiving. I was happy he did it early. Since we were gone most of November it wasn't feeling like the holidays. This helped put me in the Christmas mood. 

Right before Thanksgiving I got a call from Randy at work. He was in his car and said he was on the way to the hospital. He was having chest pains and was having difficulty taking a breath. It was quite the scare for me. It ended up being costochondritis. (inflammation in the rib joints) He had a couple rough and painful days after that. Thank goodness everything turned out okay. Little Blakelee was in the pediatric unit at LRH with RSV. Diet and Myrna happened to be visiting her at the time. Such weird timing. 

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