Saturday, September 7, 2013

Salt Lake City...

(You will have to forgive me on the bad cell pictures...I still am hunting for a new camera so bear with me. )

After the funeral on Tuesday I wanted to stay for the rest of the week to be with my family. Randy had to leave right after the funeral to go to scout camp. 

On Wednesday we packed a picnic lunch and took Nanny to Wheeler Farm. It was a REALLY hot day so the kids rushed through seeing all the animals. 

They were relieved to take off their shoes and stick their feet in the tiny canal. 

Thursday my mom had to work so I took the kids to the Water Park. While we were there Claire was complaining that her top tooth was really hurting. It had been loose for weeks. I couldn't believe it hadn't fallen out yet. I kinda ignored her just thinking she was tired and whiny. After an unbearable hour of the complaining we decided to leave the water park early. My mom works for Uncle Craig who just so happens to be a dentist. We were going to go to lunch with my mom anyway so we stopped in at the dentist office. Craig said she had an abscess in the root and that's why it wouldn't fall out. He said it needed to be pulled. He offered Claire a numbing shot but she just wanted him to do it without being numb. She gave him a big thumbs up. It was funny. I think she just wanted that tooth out ASAP. She was a champ and didn't even flinch. She was so tough. 

At lunch she kept putting her straw through her new tooth hole. She thought it was a pretty amazing trick. 

She was so proud of her big toothless grin. She was a bit worried that the tooth-fairy wouldn't find her in Salt Lake. I told her that I texted her the new address so it would put her mind at ease. 

That night we went and saw the Croods at the Movie theater with all the cousins. They weren't feeling goofy at all!!! Aaron and list couldn't make it so we missed out on Corbin and Jakey. 

I was surprised at how good the movie was. I wasn't expecting much. Even Harrison sat through the entire movie completely entertained.

After the movie we went to Arctic Circle for shakes. We were getting a kick out of AZ's hair. It wouldn't stay down for anything . It was sticking up this high all night. 

My mom had Friday off so I dragged her to Park City with me to visit the outlet mall. I hit my weight loss goal  (55lhs...YEA!!!) so I desperately needed clothes. She hates shopping more than anything!! What a good mom. She even smiled a couple of times. 

Since I missed my summer weekend in Logan I hosted a party in Salt Lake Friday night. We had a BBQ pot-luck and I got to be with all my siblings. 

We sat around and chatted until about 11:00PM laughing and telling stories. Then one of us suggested we run to 7-11 to grab a slurpee. I don't know how but we ended up going to Trafalga at midnight to mini golf. I had such a fun time.  

We always tease Aaron about how long his arms are. We shouldn't tease him...look at this selfie!!! He got all of us in the shot with his huge wing span. Go Aaron!!!

I ended up being the winner winner chicken dinner!!!! That NEVER happens. Since I was the winner Steven bought me a slurpee at 1:00AM. It was tasty.

Saturday morning we took Steven with us to the Seven Peaks Water-park in Provo. We got there right when it opened. It was so fun to go with Steven. He makes everything so fun. The kids and I fought over who got to ride with him on the tube. After being there a couple of hours a HUGE lightning storm rolled in. They closed the park early. The ride home was crazy. The storm was so bad in Saratoga Springs. I could barely see to drive. I am glad we still weren't at the water park. 
Saturday night I was Pooped...I just did some laundry at my moms and watched some TV. My aunt Becky came by so I got to hang out with her for just a bit. 

Sunday night we went to family dinner at Nanny and Papa's. Randy was done with scout camp so he drove down to be with us on Sunday. Before dinner Nanny and Papa presented Claire with her School Cone. It is a German tradition called "Schultute". German kids get a cone filled with school supplies and goodies when they start school. Claire was so excited to be the center of attention. It was cute. 

Brad got one too when he started School. Look how young and cute he looks. 

Monday morning we packed the car up to head home that day. It was hard to say goodbye to my mom. Things are so busy and I don't get to spend much time with her. Thank goodness for telephones. 

On the way out we met up with Nanny, Pappa, Kendra and Lance for lunch. I wanted to go shopping in Park City again on the way out of town. Lance had the day off so they joined me. 

It was a crazy busy week but so fun. I really enjoyed hanging out with family. 

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