Monday, September 23, 2013

First Day of School!!!

The kids started school. I must admit I was not ready this year. I felt like the summer flew by WAY too fast. I was ready for some routine but NOT homework. 

Claire started Kindergarten. She is at least a foot taller than all the kids in her grade. She loves Mrs. Burningham. She loves to learn and loves to please the teacher. I hope this translates through all of school for her. 

Brad started 4th grade this year. It has been quite the transition after having Mr. Nebeker last year. He was so relaxed and casual about school. This year Mrs. Canfield drives a much tighter ship. He has a lot of homework and the material is getting harder. He is catching on and I have loved watching his progress. I will admit thought there are days when we both want to pull our hair our after hours of homework. Brad also started taking piano lessons again. He has such a math geared brain so I was pleasantly surprised that he caught on so quickly. 

My kids are growing up right before my eyes!!! I can't believe how fast time is going. 


  1. Time does fly way to fast! Cute pictures! That stinks that Brad has so much homework- my kids each have about 20 minutes and that is great for me- hopefully it gets better through the year.

  2. Cute kids! Your flower garden looks amazing!
