Monday, May 19, 2014

Turkey Hunting FEVER

Uncle Matt has been an avid turkey hunter for years. He finally got his prize this year.

He bagged this beautiful Tom

It's beard was huge...

Carter and H were entertained watching Uncle Matt. 

Plucking off all the feathers...I am still finding feathers in all my flower gardens. 

Matt asked me to cook it for him. We stuffed and roasted it that day. I was surprised how good it tasted. I was gearing up for it to be tough and gamey.  It was honestly the best turkey I have ever had. It was so fresh and moist. We had a big thanksgiving dinner in April. 

Brad's Youth Turkey hunt opened 2 days later... Brad has some serious turkey hunting fever!!!

Randy, Matt, and Nate took Brad up the mountain early before school started. Brad just finished up his hunters education so he had never shot at an animal. He was super excited. The boys said Brad was so noisy hiking up to their spot. Turkeys have really good ears and eyes so you have to be really quiet. They were worried he had scared them all off. As soon as they got set up a couple of birds answered their calls. 4 turkeys made there way towards their decoys. Brad did everything right. He waited until he had a clean shot at 15 yards. Calm as can be he shot his 20 gage and dropped his prize. Randy said after the shot there was nothing calm about him. He threw down his gun and scrambled after his morning trophy. 

You can even see his grin through his face mask. 

Proud dad and Uncle. Way to go Brad.

Brad said hiking back to the truck was way more fun. Even though the turkey was heavy. He wouldn't let anyone help him. He wanted to do it all himself. 

Looking over Richmond. We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful place. 

He was excited to come home and show all of us his prize. 

In just a few years it will be all three of my guys doing this. 

Brad came home in time to make it to school but we decided to take him to L.D's to celebrate.
 Nate even went into work late so the Shields could join in on the celebration. 
On the way he had to call both of his grandpa's to tell them all about it. 

I have a feeling this is just the beginning of hunting around here. 

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