Sunday, February 2, 2014

Claire Ada Fischer

Kindergarten (6 1/2 years old)

 2014 Interview with Claire

1. Why do you like being a kid?
I get to play a lot, I get to live with my mom and dad

2. Use one word to describe you. 

3. What advice would you give to your mom and dad?
Make your bed every day

4. What do you like to do for fun?
swim in a pool

5. What is you favorite thing to do with your friends?
play musical chairs

6. What do you love most about your siblings?
Brad- nice to me and protects me
Harrison- He is so so cute

7. What is the nicest thing you have done for someone?
Give my frog pillow pet to poor people

8. What should you be doing 10 years from now?
go on a mission, date Zane, Collin, Shez, and Boston

9. What is your favorite thing about summer?
play at the beach

10. What is your ideal allowance? And what would you do with it?
ten hundred fifty five dollars/ pay for my misson

11. What makes a person good-looking? 
jewelry, eyelashes, can't have no hair

12. What should our family do this weekend?
go to church, watch a movie with popcorn

13. What is the grossest thing you can think of?

14. How old is mom/dad?

15. How much does mom/dad weigh?
96 pounds/126 pounds

16. What is mom/dad's favorite thing to do?
cook/ hunting

17. What is mom/dad's favorite food?
chicken/ jalapenos

18. What do you hate the most?

19. What is you favorite thing that mom/dad cooks?
mac and cheese/ ham and eggs

20. What is you favorite restaurant?
Cafe Rio

21. What makes you sad?
When Harrison crys

22. What are you afraid of?
bears, charging moose, lions, tigers, and vultures

23. If you could wish for anything what would it be? 
pet unicorn

24. If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?

25. What is your favorite holiday?
Valentines Day...because I love love

26. What is your favorite book?
Junie B. Jones

27. What is you favorite song on the radio?
Jar of Hearts

28. What is your favorite subject in school?
learning about the bossy letter R

29. When I grow up I want to....
family, a life, a house, a dog, and a bigger bedroom

30. What makes you happy?
Putting on makeup with my friends, giving stuff to poor people and my family

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...I love her! We better watch out when she's at dating age! She's going to date the neighborhood :)
