Monday, January 28, 2013

Christmas Eve Evening

After hanging out with Randy's family we went to spend time with my family. We did a gift exchange with cousins and siblings. 

 Claire was loving her manicure from her cousin Kirsten.  I can't believe she is almost 12 yrs old!!!

The kids got art kits so they helped each other with their art projects.  

Steven brought some games. It was a trivia game which I am terrible at. Randy and Steven know a lot of random facts to they were kicking my trash!!! 

Baby Bennet. He looks so much like his brothers. 

After our gift exchange we met some of our extended family at The Pie for dinner. They had this enclosed patio with a huge fire. It was nice and toasty and we felt like we were outdoors. Some of the family went ice skating. It was snowing really hard so it was the perfect night for a fire. 

 Goofy cousins.

 Harrison waiting for some yummy pizza. 
 Steven showing off his yummy pizza. 
 I have not seen some of my cousins for a long time so it was nice to chat and catch up. 

Uncle Ryan is my dad's youngest brother. He was the same age as Eric and I so we spent a TON of time with him as kids. Now we have kids the same age. 

After dinner we headed back to my mom's house for hot chocolate and desserts. We played a few games then headed home so we wouldn't miss Santa. 

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