Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Catch Up

Christmas came and went so fast I can't believe it in now the end of January!! 

Here is a quick synopsis of the past few weeks. 

Christmas night I had to work. During my shift my left foot started killing me. I had my 2nd foot surgery a few days before Christmas. My bandages had not been removed yet so I was afraid it was infected. I went to the Doctor the next day and found out I had shingles on the bottom and top of my foot. 
Shingles comes from the chickenpox virus that stays dormant in your spine until you get old or stressed then it breaks our and rears its ugly head.
 I get that I was stressed...Christmas, surgery, and whole family had been sick. The odds of a break out on the same foot I had surgery on is so slim and bizzare for that matter!!! Anyway sorry for the ugly pictures but I am a nurse and I can appreciate them. Plus Claire says she wants to be a nurse when she grows up so she will appreciate them one day. 

The blister on the middle of my foot felt like a hot nail was piercing my skin. The one between my toes was the worst. There was constant pressure there from my other toes. I could barely walk.

The pain was so incredibly intense.I felt like my foot was on fire. Pain medicine did nothing. My doctor finally put me on a nerve blocker called Lyrica that brought me relief.  I was glad. I couldn't stand it much longer. 

Luckily it cleared up after a few weeks and I just have to wear the old obnoxious boot for a few more weeks. I don't recommend back to back foot surgery. The recovery has been long and hard. The boot is the  worst part. It is heavy, clunky, and I feel so clumsy in it. Plus I walk different which affects my knees and hips. I am ready to be done. 

The weather has been crappy too this year. January has been unusually cold. The kind of cold that burns your nostrils. None of the kids in the neighborhood want to go outside to play. We have been cooped up for weeks. I usually don't mind the winter but this year I am so over winter and wanting spring to come. Or at least some warmer winter weather with some snow. 

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