Friday, September 12, 2014

How are the Fischers??

Life around here has been so hectic and crazy. We packed our summer full of fun stuff and we survived it all. That being said we are ready to have some down time. It is good to have the kids back in school and have some routine back.

Randy and I are as happy as ever. We feel so blessed. Things are so good. 

It has been fun to move along to a new phase in our marriage and family. We are slowly getting out of baby phase and have felt a bit more freedom. We rarely feel tied down and can pretty much go anywhere now.  We have even been able to go on some quick dates with each other because Brad is getting old enough to leave him to babysit for brief moments. 

Randy switched jobs and banks this summer. He was happy at Zions managing the main branch and was doing very well. A position opened at Lewiston State Bank that he was strongly encouraged to apply for. They gave us an offer we couldn't refuse so Randy made the move. He loves his new job. He is doing business and commercial lending. He loves the culture of a small bank and is really happy. He is also glad he have moved away from the retail side of banking and management. We are so proud as a family at how hard he has worked. All his schooling and dedication has paid off.

Randy is also doing well with his Rocky Peak Rental business. It has grown a lot this year and proved to be successful. We have a location here in Logan as well as St. George renting UTV's and Jet Skis. It has been fun to be able to take them out when they are not being rented. We have made some fun memories this year. 

Randy is serving as the Young Men's president. He is so good with the youth. We got to go to Youth Conference together in Palisades State Park for the Manti Pageant this year. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I love the youth in this ward. As a mother I will always do everything in my power to make sure my kids attend youth conferences and camps. It is an experience that can't be replicated at home and is priceless. 

I just got called to serve in the young women's presidency as secretary. I am excited to get to know the girls better. I have been in primary so long and I am ready for the change. 

I still work one graveyard a week at Cache Valley hospital in the Emergency Department. We had a record breaking busy summer. I have been exhausted when I come home from my crazy shifts. I have learned a lot and love my job as a nurse. I can't believe I have been a nurse for 13 years. 

I have had such great health since my surgery after having Harrison. I have found joy in trying to conquer my battle with food and exercise. I go running with my dear friend Trisha in the mornings when it is still dark. It is so energizing to finish a run and watch the sun rise. Plus I get free therapy while we talk and run. 

I fall off the health wagon...OFTEN...there always seems to be a distraction or an obstacle.  I have found it gets easier and easier as I continue to fight for what I want. 

We are so grateful for our beautiful little family. We have been blessed beyond measure. 

1 comment:

  1. Life is good :) Thanks for sharing part of your life with me. You are amazing!
