Sunday, August 10, 2014

getting back to normal...whatever normal means

The day after we got home from Redfish Harrison was scheduled to have tubes put back in his ears with Dr. Blotter. Poor H has had a couple more infections after his last set of tubes fell out. We also did a tonsillectomy and an adenoidectomy. It was a pretty rough recovery. It took him 2 full weeks to recover. He was just so sick I felt so bad. I wasn't quite prepared for how bad it would be.  In my head I just thought he would bounce back fast. 

Thank goodness Matt and Tori gave our kids Frozen. I bet we watched it over 100 times while H was sick. It was the only thing that made him happy.

After our big trip we were happy to spend a few days at home. We came home to an empty house. Matt and Tori moved into their new house while we were gone. It was weird to have them gone but happy for them to be finished.
 Simi and Stacey Cazeau were in town for a soccer tournament. We got the kids together to have a pool day. Poor H had a fever of 103 in this picture. He just wanted to play. Every time he tried he just couldn't and he would crawl into bed or my lap.

It was fun to see them. We used to hang out ALL the time when we lived at the Condo.

We also spent some time at the pool.

Claire trying the big slide for the first time. She was aprehensive at first but once she did it once I couldn't get her off of it.

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